Child Protection
Child Protection Statement
We believe that students at LIS, for the full and harmonious development of their personality, grow in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding (adapted from UN Convention of the Rights of the Child). Whilst it is not possible to fully protect all students, LIS has a Child Protection Policy in place to respond to concerns of "physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s)’ or any other person who comes into contact with the child." (Article 19, UN Convention of the Rights of the Child).
In line with the school’s Mission and Philosophy, LIS is committed to ensuring that all children in our care are afforded a safe and secure environment that nurtures academic, social and emotional growth. To this end, LIS views this commitment as a ‘partnership’ (LIS Mission and Philosophy), involving all members of LIS community.
As a school located in The Bahamas, we comply with the Government of The Bahamas statute laws pertaining to child protection.
Child Protection Policy 1.2.4
Child abuse and neglect are of growing concern in schools throughout the world. They are violations of a child’s human rights and are obstacles to the child’s education as well as their physical, emotional, and
academic development. Whilst it may not be possible to fully protect all students, LIS has adopted this Child Protection Policy to respond to concerns of "physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of
parent(s), legal guardian(s)’ or any other person who comes into contact with the child." (Article 19, UN Convention of the Rights of the Child).
In line with the school’s Mission and Philosophy, LIS is committed to ensuring that all children in our care are afforded a safe and secure environment that nurtures academic, social and emotional growth.
We believe that students at LIS, for the full and harmonious development of their personality, grow in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding (adapted from UN Convention of the Rights of the Child). To this end, LIS views this commitment as a ‘partnership’, involving all members of LIS community.
Educators, because they have the opportunity to observe and interact with children over time, are in unique positions to identify children who need help and protection. As such, educators have a
professional and ethical obligation to identify those children who appear to be in need of help and protection and to take steps to ensure that the child and family avail themselves of the services needed to remedy any situation that constitutes child abuse or exploitation.
All staff employed at LIS must report suspected incidences of child abuse to the Principal whenever the staff member has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered or is at risk of suffering abuse.
Reporting and follow up of all suspected incidences of child abuse will proceed in accordance with administrative regulations set out by the school Principal and the Child Protection team (Mr. LaToy Williams [email protected] & Ms. Sharron Waterhouse [email protected] ).
LIS will ensure that this policy is available to all parents via the website and communicate this policy and administrative regulations to students and to all LIS employees. The school will make every effort to implement hiring practices to ensure the safety of children. In the event that allegations of abuse are made against a member of staff, LIS will conduct a full confidential investigation, and will take appropriate disciplinary action which may include dismissal and/or criminal prosecution.
As a school located in The Bahamas, we comply with the Government of The Bahamas statute laws pertaining to child protection.